"On writing, my advice is the same to all. If you want to be a writer, write. Write and write and write. If you stop, start again. Save everything that you write. If you feel blocked, write through it until you feel your creative juices flowing again. Write. Writing is what makes a writer, nothing more and nothing less. --- Ignore critics. Critics are a dime a dozen. Anybody can be a critic. Writers are priceless. ---- Go where the pleasure is in your writing. Go where the pain is. Write the book you would like to read. Write the book you have been trying to find but have not found. But write. And remember, there are no rules for our profession. Ignore rules. Ignore what I say here if it doesn't help you. Do it your own way.
--- Every writer knows fear and discouragement. Just write. --- The world is crying for new writing. It is crying for fresh and original voices and new characters and new stories. If you won't write the classics of tomorrow, well, we will not have any. Good luck."
(Anne Rice)
Fonte: http://www.annerice.com/Chamber-OnWriting.html
Non posso che trovarmi d'accordo, dato che l'ho sperimentato più volte di persona.
In quanto all'ignorare le critiche, non va presa alla lettera ma è vero anche questo. È il principio del "impara l'arte e mettila da parte". O quello di imparare tutte le regole, in modo da poterle infrangere nel modo giusto. O, in parole povere, tieni presente tutte le regole, ma prima di tutto e soprattutto, scrivi.